torsdag 17. september 2009
It hasses arrived!
Looking forward to testing it. Maybe I will post a picture if I am happy with any results.
See Ya...
mandag 14. september 2009
YES, I did!

I went ahead and ordered the Orbis Ring Flash Adapter for my SB-800!
Super exited about it. Can't wait for it to arrive!
It said two days shipping to Norway, but if i know the Norwegian customs right it will be 2 to 4 weeks :S
It also said on the Orbis site that there would be no extra import duties, tax or VAT, but this I CAN'T believe? That is especially difficult when importing stuff to Norway, they even open all the packages with books i have ordered from Amazon and Play... And don't re-seal them! They arrive with a big hole in the box! This happens even when the box is labeled BOOKS.
Well, I will just have to see on this one, just sounds too good to be true. But still super stoked.
I will be using it primarily for fill, but may use it as key in some situations:) Never used ring-flash before, so I will just have to experiment and find my own taste on this one.
More TK.. (somewhere in the future...)
torsdag 20. august 2009
I bought a NG 2475 bag

For small trips and everyday use, this was my birthday gift to myself:D
Im tired of stuff scrambling around in my "one-compartment" regular textile bag. Camera scratching the covers of books, iPod earplugs getting annihilated by a doo-hickey, wallet dissappearing to be recovered the next day, and so on..
This bag is awesome for small photographic trips, or to carry your camera+ additional lens with you all the time! And still have more room for your other stuff. It even has a 13" laptop compartment (which i intend to use for photo books).
If that isn't enough, it is made of very environmentally friendly materials by Bogen them selves.
Click here for a small clip from Youtube.
Omg, I am bad at this blogging stuff.
Update: I have bought myself an iMac!
24", 2.66Ghz, 4Mb Ram of lovely goodieness!
I am starting to get used to the transition from Windows, and ME LIKE!
Not much more to say.
Hopefully in time I will have saved up enough money to buy a Nikon D700, and my dream lens: the 24-70mm 2.8 !
Nothing like saving money to buy the stuff you want:)
More TK.
lørdag 11. juli 2009
Buying iMac!

mandag 29. juni 2009
Photos to come!

I will try to keep this blog updated with my progress as a photograpers apprentice, my plans and thoughts on photography, and hopefully get some of my work in here for constructive critisism. Starting with some old work. I will submit my stuff with nothing to hide, and i will post more than just my best work, so that i hopefully can progress as a photographer.
This blog is also made so that i can become a bit more at ease with going public with some of my work. Heavy sentence.
More TK.